spark! programsCultural programming for people with memory loss and their care-partner.
SPARK! brings people experiencing memory loss together for an hour of learning, fun and friendship. Programs feature interactive nature experiences in a welcoming environment. Specialty trained educators and volunteers engage participants in lively discussions and exploring objects from nature with multi-sensory activities. This monthly programs is offered at no cost to participants, but registration is required. Contact us to learn more about our SPARK! Program. The ADRC of Eagle County, the Northeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging and the Driftless Area Wetlands Centre have teamed up to bring SPARK! to our area. All programs are hosted at the Driftless Area Wetlands Centre. |
SPARK! ScheduleSPARK! programs are held on the third Tuesday of the month from 10:00-11:30am.
2025 Winter Schedule Jan 30 (postponed from Jan 21 due to weather) - Winter Wonderland Feb 18 - Starry Night March 18 - Food from Nature Call 563-873-3537 or email [email protected] to register. |